Santen xact Mono-EDoF IOL
The Santen xact Mono-EDoF IOL is a monofocal IOL with an extension in its depth of focus. The design minimizes glare and halo issues to be comparable with a standard monofocal IOL.

Aurolab Aurovue Dfine Multifocal IOL
Aurovue Dfine IOL is a hydrophobic diffractive multifocal aspheric foldable preloaded intraocular lens with the near addition of +3D. The optic of Aurovue Dfine has uniquely designed to provide maximum energy at near and optimum energy at distance. With this design, the patient will have very good near vision with un compromised distance vision.

Visual Disturbance Measurement Tool
The Tatvum Visual Disturbance Tool is a software that allows the patient to choose the levels of visual disturbances experienced using sliders controlling the visual disturbance filters. This tool has been used in clinical trials for evaluating visual disturbances.

ArtiSan Surgical Assistant
Artisan an artificial intelligence based system for cataract surgery that includes:
- Automated biometry
- Retinal health judgement
- Self updating IOL calculator
- Monofocal/ Toric/ Premium IOL recommendation

Clinical Research
The Tatvum CRO provides complete ophthalmology related clinical research services like:
- Clinical protocol development
- Conducting clinical trials
- Customized tools for clinical end point development for premium IOLs
- Clinical modeling & simulation based clinical trial predictions

Angle k device
A quick and reliable test for profiling patient’s eye for choice of multifocal intraocular lens. Clinically tested and proven to provide reliable data with statistically significant lower variability than Tracey and IOL master.